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Food Truck Owners


This is a 3 day show and we strongly encourage vendors and exhibitors to participate all 3 days of the show.  The public purchases a gate admission fee and we would like for them to see your display and equipment and have an opportunity to learn from you as well as benefit from all aspects of our show.  Please plan to stay all 3 days and make our show a success for spectators, fellow exhibitors and our charity.


Application fee: $250 per space (non-refundable)


Returning Vendors

Due to space limitations, returning vendors will have to commit by November 30, with vendor fee paid in full.


New Vendors

Applications for new vendors will be considered after November 30th. Please do not send payment until your application is approved. If your application is approved, you will receive email confirmation from with further instructions.


General Information

• An approximate 10x20 space (30-amp power source and water) if available

• Facilities are fenced with 24hr security

• Gate entry for two vendor personnel and a parking pass are provided per vendor space.

  • Additional staff needed will need to park in general parking and pay gate admission to enter property.  No exceptions.

  • Additional staff will not be permitted through vendor access gate.  No exceptions.

• Vendors should be present for all 3 show days.

• Vendors are required to carry insurance. Speak with your agent on recommended coverage.


Vendors will only be permitted to enter property from vendor gate (Bill Thompson Lane) located off Top Tobacco Road.  No entry permitted through gates off of Sam Potts Hwy. 


If interested, please submit an application by selecting 'Apply Now' below.

Contact Me

Marye Hewett | Food Vendor Director | Email

Thank you for applying.

The application will be reviewed for approval.

If approved, we will contact you.
New vendors will be considered beginning December 1st.

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