News from Cape Fear Farm & Heritage Association
Hello! Just wanted to share our latest updates.
The Association met for the first time in-person last night since the Covid Pandemic brought everything to a screeching halt.
We had a great meeting and it was nice to see our members again for the first time in over a year. Our meeting was informative and productive right out the gate. With that I bring you our biggest news.....
We are moving forward with our plans to hold our next Southern Farm Days Show March 18 - 20, 2022!
Very soon you will start seeing updates to our website and our social media pages reflecting this great news.
What does this mean for our show participants, vendors, exhibitors and the alike? Your contact representative should be reaching out to you soon to bring you up to date on what happens next.
Would you like to be a part of the show, haven't previously and are wondering what your next move should be? As our Association moves forward with planning, we will update our application forms on our website. Typically, all forms are updated in October and we will begin taking submissions at that time.
Have you attended the show, love it and thought to yourself, I might want to know more and get involved? We would love to have you! Simply click the Member Application button below. The form will download as a .pdf document so that you may complete the form and submit to address provided on form. Our membership fee is $25 - includes member and spouse. As mentioned above, we just started meeting again this month. Our Association meets every 4th Monday each month so our next scheduled meeting will be July 26, 2022.
Are you excited about this fantastic news? We are too! Stay tuned via our social media pages and website for updates as we move forward to our next great show - 2022 Southern Farm Days!